Jennifer Engels, MD
This article is the third in a 3-part series on sleep and its crucial importance to our overall health. Please visit here to read part one and click here to read part two.
This month I want to conclude our 3-part series on sleep with an examination of a common but...
Jennifer Engels, MD
This article is the second in a 3-part series on sleep and its crucial importance to our overall health. Please visit here to read part one.
As we age, sleep often changes in unexpected ways. What may have once been a simple part of the day can become increasingly elusive or...
Jennifer Engels, MD
This article is the first in a 3-part series on sleep and its crucial importance to our overall health.
Sleep: it’s something we often take for granted, yet it’s as essential to our well-being as good nutrition and regular exercise. Despite its vital role in our...
Jennifer Engels, MD
High blood sugar isn’t just a concern for people with diabetes; it’s a health risk that can affect anyone. As a Functional Medicine physician, I know that maintaining balanced blood sugar is essential for overall well-being. It impacts your energy levels, mood, and...
By Jennifer Engels, MD
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the impact of breast cancer, raise awareness, and encourage early detection. Breast cancer is a serious concern, particularly for women. While it’s important to remember that men can develop breast cancer,...
By Jennifer Engels, MD
As a physician practicing Functional Medicine, I often encounter patients confused about inflammation. Simply put, inflammation is your body's natural response to harm. It's a complex biological process where your immune system recognizes and removes harmful stimuli...
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A new focus, a new path forward
“I was absolutely fascinated,” Engels says, “by this new style of medicine that saw the patient as a whole biological system rather focusing on only one organ system at a time, such as Cardiology. This was a complete paradigm shift from conventional medicine and how I was trained.”